06 October 2011

HSA Housing South Australia : Troubled by Hostile Tenant

When we originally heard of our intended place of residence with SAHT (South Australia Housing Trust) but now called HSA (Housing SA), we were told that the unit complex was primarily inhabited by older people and students and was quite quiet.

As we found out, this might have been the case in some bygone era, but was not so now.

The complex we live in serves as a half-way house between mental or penal institutions and "normal" society.  And not all tenants are pleasant, in fact some of them are consistently deliberately unpleasant and bothersome.

I now give details on one such troublesome tenant, the kind of tenant You or others can expect to live by in the SAHT/HSA.

I initially moved in and thought that most people at the HSA unit complex were half-way OK or better.

And if half-way OK means that most tenants are not homicidal or criminally violent, then this would have been the case.

I frequently saw or noted that a certain girl or "seem to be girl" or woman of Oriental (Chinese) ethnic origin was milling about and actively in touch with various other neighbours, to include some of the constantly ALCOHOLIC (drug addict) neighbours.  This did not bother me since she seemed to get along well with these problem drinkers / druggers and did not pose any hassle or danger to me.

Eventually the word must have leaked out that I came from one of the more "well-to-do" places in the world, that because of the human greed arsehole leaders or lackeys or puppets and their puppet string pullers, is not very well looked on at all now.  I actively distance myself from the activities of the human criminal elites and their government(s) who rule over such Axis of Evil nations and their alliances.  Example : I like being part of Peace Protests or Environmental Expositions and have NO wish to be part of the human offence against Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya, etc.

However, the Chinese tenant somehow connected that because I come from one of these more "well to do" places, that I should be a valid target for every kind of non-felonious abuse that they/she could direct at me.  And this was not the first time I faced suspicious and hateful attacks by Chinese / Red Chinese living in Australia. The Red Soviet government over China installs an inbuilt hatred and hostility in its subject slaves towards any who would oppose its Pol Pot socialist fascist value system (and I do listen to recorded broadcasts of what the hidden leaders in Red China have to say about those of us who are not compliant with their socialism communism fascism and I know what the Pol Pot constant North Korean mentality and sentimentality is like among their cadre).

So this Chinese lady, upon knowing of my background, or places of past habitation, now had a target for her abuse and possible "having a good time" out of spite for those not in conformance with communism / capitalism of the Chinese variety.

One of the first attacks of abuse was Snow in Adelaide, a snowstorm of small white styrofoam pellets was conveniently left under my bedroom window, and an alert neighbour notified me that the Chinese woman had been seen in the area carrying off an empty vinyl "bean bag" that is stuffed with these snow or styrofoam pellets after the dumping.  The Chinese woman had probably taken this "bean bag" of styro stuff and slit it with a knife, or simply unzipped it, and dumped it under my bedroom window.

So, here was a mound of snow white stuff left right under my bedroom window, where it was free to blow around and settle in drifts anywhere in the area.  This was obviously pretty harmless, but bothersome, since these little white plastic pellets can go ANYWHERE, to include the entrance way and inner stairways.

And the matter did not stop there.

The Chinese tenant, who has a tendency to Chuck things about,
  1. enjoyed littering the entrance way to my (our) group of units with trash food scraps and "spurts" of trash juice or liquids, trash plastic, paper and other items of value only to the trash bin(s)
  2. perhaps was involved in thefts of various plants in pots we left outside to get sunshine
  3. turned on and left on the water taps at all hours of day and night (in a city, state and continent where every drop of water should be valued and conserved)
  4. would rubbish the laundry room that I (we) used and shared with the tenant.  At least once this resulted in an entire washing machine having to be junked and replaced because of the abuse it suffered because heavy unbalanced items of no value were lobbed into the machine and then flung about for hours of bothersome noise, especially at night and in the early morning hours
  5. would deliberately leave lights on in laundry room at night that wasted electricity
  6. actively and deliberately placed non-recyclable trash in the garbage bins that are meant to be filled only with recyclable items (these bins are larger than standard garbage bins and so probably seemed like an easier place to put items into, or just another way to flagrantly muck up the recycling efforts)
  7. fling and drop stuff around the area by the bins, so that when we were in the area, we had to watch and be careful of every footstep, to avoid twisting an ankle, or cutting ourselves on sharp broken glass or wood/bamboo splinters
  8. used automobiles to constantly shuffle between stores and the unit to bring large amounts of junk merchandise and food from their Chinese family restaurant business to the premises, almost as if the public housing bins were considered an ideal place to dispose of extra restaurant garbage without paying extra for more bin space near the restaurant
This went on for YEARS.

As for the "snow" attack, in the year of the Chinese Communist hosted Olympics, there was a terrible outbreak of icy cold very frosty snowy weather that layered the Chinese mainland with plenty frozen fury, and many Chinese suffered and died in this severe blast of Winter.  HOWEVER, because of what Chuck (Chinese who Chuck everything everywhere) did, I did NOT feel any sympathy at all for the Chinese victims of terrible weather onslaught, and actually expect more of the same in a nation that prides itself on creating some of the worst environmental calamities that have every existed in the Oriental World.

The public housing authorities, upon receipt of complaints, would send out various letters to Chuck, and, if serious enough, would make visits to Chuck's door.

Eventually, the arrogant trashy bothersome activities of Chuck would start to cling even closer to Chuck and Chuck's place, which probably resembled a garbage manufacturing facility more than a housing unit for a single person.  Occasional fires would break out with smoke billowing out of Chuck's windows and the fire department would have to devote more of its precious time and resources to deal with Chuck's pyro problems.

Then a period of relief set in when Chuck became crippled and had to be assisted by relatives, while in a wheelchair and was unable to constantly shuffle about between the various junk food stores and restaurants and the public housing complex.

Since Chuck sustained the injury, or bad health condition, things have become much better, and it was so good to see Chuck on the improve, and less bothersome and less troublesome, that we personally wished Chuck well in her recovery, even though thoughts in the past would have killed for the mess made.

P.S.  In almost all of the above period I lived as a recluse who has nothing, or almost nothing, to do with various alcoholic tenants or their social "parties".  My attitude is largely "Live and Let Live" and please "Don't Tread on Me".  Chuck was an entire stranger who, out of 7000 MILLION people on Planet Earth, is one I choose to avoid, along with their fascist socialist communist criminal government "back home".

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